
Fit Inc: Nesa vs Kyle

Boxing and Muay Thai with the personal trainer.

The mission was to collaborate with the personal trainer to capture the intense boxing and Muay Thai training sessions through compelling and captivating imagery.

We aimed to showcase the energy, dedication, and expertise of the trainer while providing potential clients with a glimpse of the transformative experience they could expect.

The Process

Our creative process revolved around showcasing the intensity of the exercises and documenting them in a captivating way.

We began by immersing ourselves in the personal trainer’s world, understanding their training philosophy, and envisioning how we could translate it into powerful images.

Black & White images with a stong lighting to focus on intensity

If you are a looking to elevate your brand and showcase your training sessions in a way that motivates and inspires, our team at MUGG is ready to transform your vision into a stunning reality.